How Optimization Variables form Maximization

In global competition, the interests play a very important role so that the calculation of profit, loss and return becomes an increasingly sensitive consideration. Kunto Wibowo AP has analyzed optimization variables to form the maximization in relation to the level of maximum achievement. His book “ Geostrategy And Strategic Environment. Optimization Variables Form Maximization“ was published in August 2020 at GRIN Publishing.
The level of productivity produces maximum benefits to provide maximum usefulness. To prove the maximum is not something that produces maximum performance. Instead, the optimal is what will produce maximum performance. So, the optimal is the desired maximum variable performance. In his book „Geostrategy And Strategic Environment. Optimization Variables Form Maximization“, Kunto Wibowo AP shows how important a multilateral coolness is in a peaceful and prosperous international relationship, by paying attention to the dynamics of the development of a strategic environment.

The maximum is no more than the optimal limit

Conceptually, the maximum is relative, it is unknown where the boundary is, so that the term infinity is known. Then, optimization forms the maximization merging into cultural entities or manners. That opens moral and moral awareness which is not merely pursuing the interests of global competition but more on mutual respect, making the perception of national power a usability value and the maximum use of a nation in geopolitics, geo-strategy, and geoeconomics. Kunto Wibowo AP“s book „Geostrategy And Strategic Environment. Optimization Variables Form Maximization“ gives advice for various calculations of the maximum level of achievement that can be universally accepted.

The book was published at GRIN Publishing in September 2020 (ISBN: 978-3-34623-855-9)

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