„Breathtaking“ technologies for healthy air

Air pollution, respiratory diseases, pandemics or climate gases such as CO2, CH4 or N2O – polluting concentrations are complicating everyday life worldwide, and respiratory protection is moving into focus. Technologies have made great progress in these areas in recent years, and today there are numerous new respirator technologies.

One of the latest technologies is the so-called nanofiber technology. Here, ultrafine nanofibers are integrated into the respirators, providing higher filtration performance while improving breathability. „These masks can even filter bacteria and viruses that are normally too small to be captured by conventional masks,“ explains Henrik Bierhorst, a quality assurance expert at Berlin-based PPE-Germany GmbH. A German mask producer, PPE-Germany has become one of Europe’s major manufacturers, producing 45 million FFP2 masks a month since they started production in Berlin in 2020. Managing Director Max Leber explains that thanks to automation, products from Germany can be produced at world market prices. „For us, „Made in Germany“ is not just a seal. We see it as a matter of course to carefully comply with and exceed all applicable quality standards,“ says Max Leber. Quality assurance expert Bierhorst adds that PPE is constantly researching and working on further development so that its own PPE product line, such as Karla and Dodo Air, also further strengthens occupational safety and contributes to health.

Further development of materials

Another technology concerns the further development of materials to create the „self-cleaning“ respirator. Henrik Bierhorst explains that these masks are coated with special nanoparticles that can be activated by exposure to light and kill bacteria and viruses. This allows the masks to be used multiple times, and they offer greater protection against infection. Max Leber points out that PPE Germany has developed its own structure in its own products. The existing materials are of German manufacture, which have only made it possible to advance in certain areas at all, such as the type of resistance value or filter performance. „All of this is only possible through further development of the materials, the filter layers, the outer layers, which first make it possible to improve quasi products, in other words, to create innovation,“ says Max Leber.

Progress is also noticeable in the area of fit. The latest models are anatomically shaped to fit the wearer’s face for better protection.

Respirators in mechanical engineering and medical technology

Respirators play an important role in many industries where hazardous particles and dust particles are released that can lead to health problems. Protective equipment (PPE) is mandatory for the occupational safety of employees in these industries, up to and including the fitting of suitable respirators.

In mechanical engineering, respirators are mainly used when working with materials such as metal or plastic. Fine particles are released that can be inhaled and lead to respiratory diseases. Respirators with a high filtering capacity and a good fit are mandatory to protect the health of employees.

Respirators are also essential in medical technology, especially in surgery and when treating patients with infectious diseases. Here, masks must have a high filtering capacity to minimize the risk of disease transmission. Max Leber says that this has become particularly clear worldwide in times of the covid pandemic, and respirators are considered an important part of personal protective equipment.

The specific requirements of each industry vary: respirators in mechanical engineering, for example, must be resistant to dust and dirt, while respirators in medical technology should be particularly comfortable to wear because of the close and often prolonged contact with patients.

Network – Maskenverband Deutschland e.V. – Medical face masks made in Germany

Maskenverband Deutschland e.V. is a network of manufacturers of disposable medical face masks based in Germany. The aim of the association is to promote the production and supply of high-quality medical face masks and thus contribute to the fight against infectious diseases.

A key concern of the mask association is to strengthen the production of face masks in Germany and thus reduce dependence on foreign manufacturers. The association is committed to ensuring that the production of medical face masks again takes place increasingly in Germany and that supply chains can thus be shortened.

Another important concern of the mask association is to ensure the quality of the masks produced. This includes, among other things, regular checks on production and a high level of transparency towards customers and partners. The association ensures that all members meet the required certifications and quality standards and thus produce high-quality medical face masks.

Max Leber points out that the face masks Made in Germany are not only of high quality, but also offer advantages in terms of delivery times and environmental protection. „Since the masks are produced in Germany, delivery times can be shortened and there are no long transport routes from other countries,“ says Max Leber.


Elisabeth Anna
Dipl. Psych. & Bloggerin

About the author:

Elisabeth Anna graduated successfully to the Dipl. Psych. and actually works on clinical studies, in addition, on the project health from A-Z. Since 2021 she publishes and since 2022 she is an author at ABOWI-Reputation.com. Her passion is virtual global journey, aiming to discover long-term sustainable therapies for holistic health. The blog www.fenske-industries.com offers numerous topics related to health and corporate health management. Special interest lies in the transformation of healthcare through technology, digitalization and artificial intelligence to holistic health. You can reach us at www.abowi.com

PPE Germany GmbH mit Sitz in Berlin sind Spezialisten für Atemschutz Made in Germany. PPE Germany zählt zu den großen europäischen Maskenproduzenten für qualitativ hochwertige FFP2-Masken und startete 2020 mit der Produktion, um die Versorgung der Bevölkerung mit Schutzausrüstung zu gewährleisten. PPE Germany schützt die Gesundheit von Menschen, die in komplizierten Luftverhältnissen arbeiten und leben müssen beispielsweise durch Virale Kontamination, Krankenhauskeim Kontamination, Bakterielle Kontamination, Staub, Fasern (z.B. durch Mineralwolle), Industrieabgase, Feinstaub. Alle PPE Germany Produkte sind zertifiziert und unterliegen den strengsten Prüfstandards.

PPE Germany GmbH
Max Leber
Mertensstraße 63-115
13587 Berlin
Phone: +49 30 202366380
E-Mail: 6900ea3e8532a562e0b60f37cf708f58e5d6edb5
Url: https://ppegermany.de

PPE Germany GmbH
Max Leber
Mertensstraße 63-115
13587 Berlin
Phone: +49 30 202366380
E-Mail: 6900ea3e8532a562e0b60f37cf708f58e5d6edb5
Url: https://ppegermany.de

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